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Comprehensive Guide to Weigh and Scale Pan Washers

In the fast-paced world of food manufacturing, precision and hygiene are paramount. Weigh and scale pan washers play a crucial role in maintaining these standards by ensuring thorough cleaning and sanitisation of weigh pans and scale pans, which are integral to the accurate weighing of ingredients. Furthermore, Industrial Washing Machines Limited (IWM) offers a new […]


New weigh and scale pan washers for the food industry now available!

In food manufacturing processes, thorough and dependable cleansing of the weigh pans used to weigh out various food products and ingredients is essential both to prevent the introduction of dust, dirt and other contaminants into the product, and to minimise the risk of unwanted ingredient transfer.   Accidental transfer Accidental transfer is particularly important when […]


Fast efficient washing for weigh and scale pans

Capable of washing up to 30 weigh pan/scale pan heads along with radials and other accessories, in just 10 to 30 minutes. Depending on the level of soiling and the wash cycle selected, the new PW28E weigh pan washer from Industrial Washing Machines Limited (IWM) combines speed and convenience with efficiency and economy.

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